Learn about Adelean and things.

A website built for lovers of Crochet!

Corrine created Adelean & things to be an outlet for her creativity. Corrine has always loved sharing her art with others and continues to till this day. Corrine creates a wide range of products – from custom toques, handy gloves, fancy slippers, and the classic scarf. Each product is crocheted by hand to be a unique treasure.

Recent changes:

April 2019

I’ve made a few recent additions to the site, the biggest change is the inclusion of a shop feature. I’m leveraging a database now to display items currently available for purpose. The links for each item navigate the user to Facebook, where they can discuss purchase with the company owner.

In order to make it easy for the store owner to add new items and remove sold ones, I also created a special internal website. The internal control website is leveraging the techniques I’ve learned in class to edit, add, and delete entries in a database. The website also allows the owner to upload new images as needed.

Finally, I fixed multiple bugs throughout the site, and updated the business logo. In addition, the site is now hosted on it’s own domain via an Apache Virtual Host.


Click here to visit the site.